...And To Make Him Known

​​Bloomer Baptist Church​

Brenda Zeh

James Rosen

Outreach/Fellowship, Visitor/Member Follow-Up

​bob wundrow

Worship, Security

Ministry Leaders

Worship Leader

Austin Rayburn

Coached By Christ Leaders

DeWayne & Julia Fossum

Sunday School Superintendent

Office Staff

Nursery Leader

Kristy Rhodes

Children's Church Leader

Chuck Babbitt & Jessica Bowe


Shania Bronstad

Deacon Board

Lay Leaders

Patrick Rhodes

Senior Pastor

Pastor Patrick became the Pastor at Bloomer Baptist Church in November of 2017. He is married to Kristy and the father of 3 daughters and 1 son. They also have one child in heaven. Patrick is originally from Troy, Ohio where he was an Associate Pastor and Youth Minister. He enjoys the outdoors, but especially fishing and hunting. Patrick also enjoys traveling, a good superhero or action movie, and spending time with his family.

​​Email:  prhodes@bloomerbaptistchurch.com

Cell: (937) 416-1555 (call or text)


Bloomer Baptist Church  © 2016

​To Know Christ...

Austin rayburn

​Worship, Outreach/Fellowship

erik peterson

Christian Education, Building Maintenance

tess gilberts


Russ Zeh

Building Maintenance, Missions

Chuck Babbitt

Youth Pastor/Assistant to the Pastor

Chuck joined BBC in August of 2020. He is married to Adrianne and the father of 5 lively young kids. They also have one child in heaven. Chuck joined us from Spencer, Iowa where he was the Youth Pastor for 5 years. Chuck enjoys frisbee golf, Marvel movies, basketball, watching student games and events, and board games with his family.

Email: Youth@bloomerbaptistchurch.com

Tim Jacobson

​Chairman, Finances, Visitor/Member Follow-Up

Jessica Bowe

Office Manager / Treasurer

Jessica has been on staff at BBC since November 2012, but she has been a member of the church for much longer than that.  She is married to Dean and the proud mom of 2 girls.  In addition to keeping the office running smoothly, she is our Treasurer, and volunteers with the children's ministry. Jessica enjoys a good book, watching movies, playing games, being involved in her kids extracurricular activities, and traveling with her family.

Email: info@bloomerbaptistchurch.com